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Get Support For Your Internet Service

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Cirra Networks means exceptional service and customer care. If you experience a problem with your internet service, call us and we will do what we can to make things right. We continue to make significant investments in advanced routing technologies that maintain the reliability of your high speed internet connection if part of our network becomes impaired.

We like hearing from our customers to know how to better serve you.

Common Security Problems

Our email server removes over 100,000 viruses and Spam from customer emails each day. Get our Helpful Tips

Software Downloads

There are several software applications we recommend that will provide peace of mind while you are connected to the internet. Go to Downloads

Local Area Network Performance in the Home

Today, the networked home has a multitude of devices and services from many manufacturers all requiring some portion of your limited home internet bandwidth. Increasing reliance on these devices and services demands more data bandwidth to have acceptable performance and speeds otherwise, your experience will be slow. We are compiling resources to help you get the most performance from your internet access while using these devices and services. Please know we cannot provide support for 3rd party products. Browse the resources here.

Internet Protection Service

To ensure the long-term protection of your equipment while keeping your service costs low, we have several service plans See our Internet Protection Service.

Contact Us

We are happy to answer your questions by the phone or email


Browse our growing list of Frequently Asked Questions

New Billing System

Cirra Networks has a new billing system to better serve our customers. Please use the new portal at to log in and pay your bill

Cirra Networks Power Cycling User Guide

Download our simple, 5-step guide to re-starting your system.