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Local Area Network Performance Resources

Resources for Improving Home Local Area Network Performance

Today, the networked home has a multitude of devices and services from many manufacturers all requiring some portion of your limited home internet bandwidth. Increasing reliance on these devices and services demands more data bandwidth to have acceptable performance and speeds otherwise, your experience will be slow. We are compiling resources to help you get the most performance from your internet access while using these devices and services. Please know we cannot provide support for 3rd party products.

Internet Protection Service

Cirra Networks Internet Protection Service Plan is designed to keep your internet access in top shape and save you money over the long-term.

Software for Security

For your convenience, we have listed software applications that will give you more peace of mind as you use the internet. From identify theft to computer viruses, being cautious now will pay off later.


We are growing our list of Frequently Asked Questions. If you have a question not listed, please send an email to